Malika Kapoor

Introduction to Chakras

What is a chakra?

This is a concept from Hinduism. Chakra is a Sanskrit word which means wheel, cycle or disk. Chakra is the focal point of energy which flows in our body which defines what kind of person we are, it influences your mental and physical being.

There are 7 Chakras in the human body i.e. Root Chakra, Sacral Chakra, Solar Plexus Chakra, Heart Chakra, Throat Chakra, Third Eye Chakra, and Crown Chakra. They all have different vibrations and frequencies. Different chakras also regulate different organs and glands of your body.

Here is a detailed description of each chakra’s placement in a body and each chakra’s activity.

  1. Root Chakra

Root chakra or Muladhara Chakra is a red colour chakra. This chakra is the first chakra and it is located at the bottom of your spine. This chakra is attached to the Adrenal gland. This chakra is mainly based on your childhood experiences and responsible for survival process and basic needs. Its Bija mantra is “Lam”. Its natural element is Earth.


  1. Sacral Chakra

The Sacral Chakra, also known as Swadhisthana Chakra, is an orange colour chakra. This chakra comes second, after root chakra. It is located in the lower abdomen area. It is related to Reproductive organ, creativity, and sensuality. Its Bija mantra is “Vam”. Its natural element is Water.


  1. Solar Plexus Chakra

Solar Plexus Chakra or Manipura Chakra is a yellow colour chakra. This chakra is the third chakra and it is located around the abdominal area, above the belly button. This chakra is connected to the function of Pancreas. It is also responsible for the feeling of power, self-esteem, control, and accomplishment. Its Bija mantra is “Ram”. Its natural element is Fire.


  1. Heart Chakra

Heart Chakra or Anahata Chakra is a green colour chakra. This chakra is the fourth in line and is located in the centre of the chest. This chakra is connected with the Thymus gland and it is responsible for love and compassion. Its Bija mantra is “Yam”. Its natural element is Air.


  1. Throat Chakra

Throat Chakra, also known as Vishuddha Chakra, is blue in colour. This is the fifth chakra and is located in the throat region. This chakra is connected with the Thyroid gland and is responsible for communication i.e. speech and expression. Its Bija mantra is “Ham”. Its natural element is Ether.


  1. Third Eye Chakra

Third Eye Chakra or Ajna Chakra is indigo in colour. It is the sixth chakra and located in the centre of the forehead between eyebrows. This chakra regulates Pituitary gland and regulates our intuitive ability. Its Bija mantra is “Sham”. Its natural element is Light.


  1. Crown Chakra

Crown Chakra or Sahasrara Chakra is a violet colour chakra. It is the seventh chakra. This chakra is located at the top of the head. Crown chakra is regulating our Pineal Gland and spiritual growth. Its Bija mantra is “Om”. Its natural element is Thought.


What is the Bija mantra (man-tra)?

In Sanskrit, bija means seed, man means mind and tra is an instrument. Bija mantra is a seed sound which is used in meditation and yoga.

Some chakras are major and some are minor. Our chakras are responsible for our wellbeing and characteristics, hence whenever we are depressed, angry, or feeling any negative emotions without any major reason, is because our chakra is blocked or imbalanced. Consumption of toxic food, water, air, etc. also can affect the chakras balance.



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